Support Services

Noah’s Ark

We are pleased to continue our partnership with specialist counselling agency Noah’s Ark.  Our Noah’s Ark counsellors deliver wave 3 counselling and therapeutic support sessions for our students who are most in need of specialist emotional intervention.  More information about the Noah’s Ark provision can be accessed by viewing the resources here.

School Counselling Guide
Parent/Carer School Staff Guide
Data Privacy Notice

Open Minds Help and Support in Calderdale

The Open Minds Calderdale website will help you with questions about emotional health and wellbeing, showing you where you can find support.

Openminds in Calderdale (

Calderdale Services for Parents/Careers

The Calderdale Family Services Directory provides access to information about a wide range of services for children and young people and their families living in Calderdale. For more information visit:

Emotional Well-Being Support

Below are a variety of links to support you with your child’s emotional well-being. If you have further concerns you can contact your child’s form tutor or achievement leader. There are also people at your local GP surgery who can listen to any worries you might have about your child.

Young Minds advice for parentsYoung Minds website for parents which has a wealth of resources regarding all aspects of mental health and has a parent’s helpline for more support.
MindEd for familiesMindEd website for families with wellbeing concerns. Has links to many other useful websites.
A parents journeyA set of videos from No Harm Done to support parents in dealing with self-harm.
A parents journey handbookA leaflet from No Harm Done to support parents in dealing with self-harm.
ADT healthcareADT Healthcare offers a free hotline dedicated to assisting women and families suffering from drug, alcohol and mental health issues. ADT Healthcare was established in 2011 by people who overcame addiction themselves.
Emotional Health and Wellbeing Service Offer for Young People in CalderdaleA leaflet showing all the emotional health and wellbeing services available for young people in Calderdale
KoothA free online counselling service for young people
ChildlineChildline is yours – a free, private and confidential service where you can talk about anything. We’re here for you online, on the phone, anytime.
Night OwlsNight Owls offers a free local 'over-night' emotional wellbeing service
MindInformation for young people aged 11-18


Youth Produced Sexual Imagery (YPSI or “Sexting”) can be defined as images or videos generated by children under the age of 18 that are of a sexual nature or are considered to be indecent. These images may be shared between children and young people and/or adults via a mobile phone, webcam, handheld device or website/app.

It is a crime to take, make, permit to take, distribute, show, possess, possess with intent to distribute, or to advertise indecent images of any person below the age of 18 (Crime and Justice Act 1988, section 160, Protection of Children Act, 1978, section 1,1,a)

It can be scary finding out a nude image or video of you has been shared online. But we can help. Follow the steps ON THIS LINK to get your image or video removed from the internet.

Yoppie – Menstrual Cycles & Mental Health

Yoppie looks at the myths, misconceptions, truths and realities of the relationship between mental health and your menstrual cycle.

Silver Cloud

Silver Cloud is a free and easily accessible platform that can be a personal and responsive support for young people (14+) and/or their parents and carers.  It involves minimal waiting times and by accessing the service you will gain an Open Minds ‘Supporter’ who can provide guidance and support for individuals who are experiencing anxiety and low mood.

Silvercloud | Northpoint Wellbeing – Open Minds (CAMHS) (

Relationships Matter

We want to support our students and families to nurture positive and stable relationships at home.  When family life is good, children thrive and if parents get on well together, it is better for children who can achieve their potential . They are likely to feel more secure, happier, healthier and do better at school.

We are signposting a new national support programme, ‘Relationships Matter’. The national Reducing Parental Conflict programme aimed at helping family relationships.  Please use the following link to find out more.

Relationships Matter | Calderdale Council