

At Crossley Heath, our curriculum extends beyond the classroom. In addition to the wide variety of extra-curricular activities available, we offer a range of rich ‘experiences’. These experiences not only help to make memories, they allow our students to increase their knowledge of the world, increasing their self-belief, aspiration and purpose; enabling them to suitably develop their character so they can flourish in school and life beyond.

Additionally, students have the opportunity to take part in our house system, sports teams, music ensembles and be a part of our strong student leadership program, they will also have a chance to experience the following:

  • Domestic trips. Examples include: Yorkshire sculpture Park, the Yorkshire Show, Manchester, Magna Museum, Tate Gallery, a theme park, a zoo, domestic sports residential, live sporting fixtures, theatre trips and more.
  • International trips. Examples include: Rugby tours (Canada/Australia), other sporting international tours, Rome, Iceland, Ski trip to the Alps, battlefields, and modern foreign language exchanges.
  • We actively engage with nationally recognised young people’s award programmes such as the Duke of Edinburgh Scheme, National Citizenship Scheme and the Citizenship/work experience award.
  • We engage with many external speakers and groups that provide talks and assemblies to our students on a wide variety of professional and personal development topics.
  • We enter numerous national competitions, both academic and non-academic.

We actively encourage all our students to make the most of each opportunity presented to them at Crossley Heath. We know that each rich experience strengthens their motivation to succeed and be happy in life. They help students to reflect wisely, learn eagerly, behave with integrity and cooperate consistently well with others. Our experiences help to develop the character and qualities our students need to flourish and impact positively in society.

Please note that all trips, speakers, programmes and extra-curricular activities are subject to change.