Through its three core themes, the curriculum builds on statutory guidance from the DfE to include economic wellbeing, careers, enterprise education, and education for personal safety, including assessing and managing risk. These areas are mainly covered with the ‘Living in the Wider World’ core theme. It follows a spiral curriculum model where the three core themes (Health and Wellbeing, Relationships, and Living in the Wider World) are revisited ever year from Yr7 through to Yr11. In Year 12 and 13 we take a more competency-based approach to each topic -Independence and Aspiration, Autonomy and Advocacy, and Choices and Influences. These continue to build on the spiral curriculum model of revisiting each topic and adding a layer of age appropriate content each time to deepen the knowledge and understanding of our students.
Crossley Heath strives to keep the curriculum relevant, robust and engaging. We work closely with external partners, where appropriate, and invite guest speakers and workshops into school to enrich our offer further.
What is RSE?
Relationship and Sex Education (statutory) is lifelong learning about physical, sexual, moral and emotional development. It is about the understanding of the importance of stable and loving relationships, respect, love and care, for family life. Additionally, it involves acquiring accurate information about the physical aspects of growing up: healthy lifestyles, diversity and personal identity, having relationships, engaging in sex, and learning about human sexuality and sexual health.
RSE involves a combination of sharing information, and exploring issues and values. It is not about the promotion of sexual activity or any particular lifestyle.
RSE is about providing students with the knowledge, skills and confidence to make safe, healthy and informed relationship choices as young people, and in the future, as adults. RSE at Crossley Heath is an innovative, modern curriculum fit for the world our young people are living in.
PD and Metacognition
A student developing metacognitive skills is essential in Personal Development to ultimately develop independent learners who are self-aware. They can develop empathy, tolerance and awareness; all important life skills to use in their adult life. Growth mindset and resilience development often feature in the teaching of PD.
Through the supportive teaching of Personal Development, students develop knowledge and understanding to enable them to stay healthy and safe in their own learning that will result in strong outcomes, personally, within school and in their community.
CEAIG – Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance
Crossley Heath holds the ‘Quality in Careers Standard’ meaning we fulfil all the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks. All our students take part in a careers programme as part of their Personal Development lessons under the core theme ‘Living in the Wider World’. These lessons will:
• Develop the skills they need to plan and manage their own personal development and career progression
• Access relevant information and learning from taster activities and workshops
• Make and maintain individual progression plans to help them improve their prospects of success
• Offer feedback and ideas on how to improve the careers programme
All students have access to, and support with using careers information
Careers information will be easy to find and available at convenient locations, including web based career sites. These will be:
• Clearly labelled and referenced
• Comprehensive, giving details of all progression opportunities and associated support arrangements such as financial help
• Unbiased and up to date
Students will obtain careers guidance from a qualified careers advisor that is:
• Impartial
• Confidential
• Focussed on individual needs and fit for purpose
• Supportive of equal opportunities
• Provided by people with relevant training and expertise