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  • Key Policies and Statements

    Please choose a school policy to download:

    Policy Description
    16-19 Bursary Policy The 16 to 19 Bursary Fund provides financial support to help students overcome specific financial
    barriers to participation so they can remain in education
    Accessibility Plan Outlines how we plan to improve accessibility.
    Admissions Policy Find out how Year 7-11 places are allocated
    Admissions Policy Post 16 Find out how Post 16 places are allocated
    Allergen & Anaphylaxis Policy Information regarding our approach to minimising the risk of anaphylaxis occurring whilst at school
    Attendance Policy Outlines our schools attendance strategies, monitoring and responsibilities.
    Careers Policy Careers education and guidance should help students develop skills, attitudes and abilities which enable
    them to be effective in a variety of occupations and roles.
    Charges and Remissions Policy Information regarding our approach to charging for curricular and extra-curricular activities
    Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy Outlines the responsibility of all staff, parents, volunteers and governors to ensure that students are protected, safeguarded and supported in their education
    Code of Conduct - Consistency in Professional Standards This policy aims to set and maintain standards of conduct that we expect all staff to follow
    Collective Worship Policy Collective Worship at this school is an inclusive and meaningful activity/occasion that caters for the diversity of beliefs and points of view of the whole school community.
    Complaints Policy Sets out clear procedures to be followed by all in the event of a complaint
    COVID-19 Catch Up premium 2020-2021 Information regarding how the COVID-19 Catch Up premium 2020-2021 was used.
    Curriculum Policy Shows how we ensure student learning needs are identified and individual learning targets are set
    Debt Recovery Policy Documents how the school takes reasonable measures to collect debts as part of its management of public funds in order to reduce any loss of income to the school.
    Equality Policy and Procedure Brings together all previous policies, schemes and action plans around equality including those that we had previously for Race, Gender and Disability.
    Exams Policy This policy covers how the school manages public examinations.
    Freedom of Information Policy States how we fulfil our duty under the Freedom of Information Act and how we address requests for information
    Granting Access to Education and Training Providers This policy statement sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to students at the school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer.
    Health and Safety Policy Information regarding how we manage Health and Safety in school for all staff and students
    Inclusion and Equalities Policy How we ensure everyone who is part of our community can easily understand, access, feel part of and benefit from all that school can offer
    Information Rights: Privacy Notice Details of how we use pupil personal information
    Information Rights: Privacy Notice for the School Workforce Staff right to be informed about how the school uses personal data
    Information Rights: Privacy Notice for the Ex Alumni and Friends Details of how we use personal information of Ex Alumni and Friends
    Information Rights: Subject Access Request Procedure Guidance on how individuals may request information related to the data protection principles
    Information Rights: Data Protection Policy The policies we have in place to keep the personally identifiable information we hold in school safe
    Information Rights: Compliant Records Management Policy How long we store pupil and other data for
    Medical Needs Policy How we support and manage students with medical needs.
    Mobile Device & Technology Policy Our mobile device and technology policy
    Parent and Visitor Code of Conduct Code of practice intended to ensure that we share a common expectation and understanding in relation to the behaviour of parents and visitors.
    Pupil Premium Pupil premium strategy statement
    Relationships and Sex Education Policy States how we communicate the manner in which Sex and Relationship education will be delivered in school
    SEND Information Report Details our Individual Local Offer and should be read in conjunction with the Core Offer set out in Calderdale’s Local Offer.
    SEND Policy Shares how we support students of all abilities and our approach to young people with SEN
    Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) This policy outlines the framework for The Crossley Heath School to meet its duty in providing and ensuring a high quality of education to all of its pupils, including pupils with social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) difficulties, and to do everything it can to meet the needs of pupils with SEMH difficulties.
    Sixth Form Behaviour Policy Shares how we provide individual support, monitoring and guidance to sixth form students
    Student Support and Behaviour Shares how we provide individual support, monitoring and guidance to students
    Uniform Policy Provides parents and students, a clear and common understanding of what is required in the wearing of a school uniform
    Whistleblowing Policy The aim of this policy is to encourage staff to report suspected wrongdoing as soon as possible, in the knowledge that their concerns will be taken seriously